Costa Fortuna...

"Costa Fortuna" in Katakolon, Greece
Bari (Italy) - Katakolon/Olympia (Greece) - Santorini (Greece) - Rhodos/Lindos (Greece) - Dubrovnik (Croatia)
13. - 20. June 2011

What do you expect from a cruise?

How do you prefer to dine?

How do you define ambience and entertainment?

Do you like strolling?

Do you enjoy interesting excursions?

Still wanna go for it? With Costa?


Very well then. Get a load of this:

A conclusion?

Why this publication?


Well, since the German-speaking contact person on board the Costa Fortuna chirpyly advised us in the course of a passenger information event to only mark the "excellent" ratings on the final trip questionnaire in order to say "thank you" to the crew and informed us that the automated scan software ignores all other filled out ratings anyhow, how many more possibilities does a not so happy customer have?

Evidently the holding company is only interested in finding out how many "excellent" ratings it can statistically achieve and how close they eventually can make it to the supposed top ranking. Any other ratings and customer opinions, most likely including the filled out "suggestions/comments" section, remain without relevance for the evaluation.

Characteristic, isn't it? Sort of completes the picture of Costa...

Isn't that a bit like barking up a tree even though it doesn't have any green leaves left?